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The Maltese Compliance and Regulatory Filing Calendar for Limited Liability Companies (Ltd)

Companies in Malta are subject to numerous regulatory filing obligations. These include;

  1. Accounts

  2. Annual Return Deceleration 

  3. Final Settlement System (FSS)

  4. Income Tax Return - Provisional Tax and Final Settlement Tax

  5. Value Added Tax (VAT) - Vat Returns and Vat Recaps

The mandatory deadline dates for each category are further listed below.

Accounts (Financial Statements)

Given that the entity does not suffice certain exemptions, annual audited accounts are to be submitted to the registrar 10 months after the year-end date. For understanding purposes, should the year-end of the entity be the 31st of December, the accounts are to be submitted by the end of October of the following year.

Annual Return Deceleration 

The annual return declaration showing the companies involvements and changes during the year, is to be submitted to the registry of companies  42 days after the date which it is made up to. For instance, should the company's incorporation date be that of 1st January, the annual return is to reach the registrar by the 12th of February.

Final Settlement System (FSS)

The final settlement system for companies is split between two stages. The FS5 and the FS7.

The FS5 is to be submitted monthly during the year, showing the emoluments, SSC and taxes paid each month. This is to be filed by the 15th day of the following month, for example, the FS5 for the month of January, is to be submitted by the 15th of February.

On the other hand, the FS7 is submitted annually showing the total emoluments, SSC and Tax paid during the year. This is to reach the Inland Revenue Department by the 15th of February of the following year.

Income and Provisional Tax

Provisional tax payments are to be made to the Inland Revenue Department by the end of the following dates; 30th April, 31st August and 21st December.

On the other hand, the payment of any settlement tax is to be made by the due date of the yearly income tax return. For companies whose year end is between January to June, the Income tax return is due by March of the following year, whilst companies whose year end is between July to December, the Income tax return is due 9 months post-year end date. 

For understanding purposes, if the accounting year-end of the entity is that of 31st December, the settlement tax is to be paid by the end of September of the following year, whilst if the year end is that of 31 January, the due date is that of 31st March of the following year.

VAT Returns

45 Days or 1 month 15 Days from end of quarter. For instance, if the VAT return covers the quarter from January to March, the submission date is that of the 15th of May.

VAT Recapitulative Statements

VAT Recaps are to be submitted either monthly or otherwise quarterly depending on the value of the intra-community trade. Should the quarterly value of the trade be below €50,000, the company is not levied to submit a recap statement monthly, and he may therefore submit it quarterly. Given this, the statement is to reach the department by the 15 day of the month following the end of the quarter. For understanding purposes, should the quarter covered by the statement be that of January to March, the recap is to be submitted by 15th April.

On the other hand, should the value exceed €50,000, the recap is to be submitted by the 15th day of the following month from end of calendar month covered by the recap. For understanding purposes, should the recap cover the month of January, this is to be submitted by 15th February.


All deadline and regulatory dates listed in the above links and any BGMT related web pages, are standardised to facilitate understanding and ease of use. Such dates are based solely on manual filing and payment deadline dates, and do not take into consideration electronic filing or any related exemptions and extensions. It is always advisable to contact us further via our contact us page for further clarification and applicability of regulatory filing dates and requirements.

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